LightWise® Architectural Systems
LightWise® Architectural Systems are high-performance pre-assembled real glass block windows made for extreme applications ranging from high velocity winds, high security areas, and even explosive blast protection.
Call Us: 513-744-1946

Hurricane Resistant Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Hurricane-Resistant Glass Block Windows brighten any application with soft, natural light. They’re ideal for use in commercial applications where beauty, light transmission and protection against hurricane force wind and debris is critical. The window has passed the large missile impact tests recognized by the International Building Code, Florida and Miami-Dade County and is approved for use in coastal areas.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Hurricane-Resistant Glass Block windows consist of high-performance glass block framed by a 2-piece aluminum channel. Standard aluminum channel is mill finished, clear anodized clear or bronze. Custom color powder coating is also available. |

Tornado Resistant Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows are extraordinarily versatile and available in various size. Utilizing laminated VISTABRIK® solid glass block with a steel frame and grid, this window requires minimal maintenance and is ideal for facilities where safety and security is critical.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows provide the needed protection from the elements while letting people see what is happening outside of the shelter and letting daylight into a space that would otherwise rely on artificial light.

Blast Resistant Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block Panels let in light while providing privacy and protection from various levels of blast. They are the perfect choice for high-risk buildings such as military facilities, airports, government offices, and other high-profile public and retail space.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block Panels consist of glass block framed by a 2-piece aluminum channel frame.

Security & Detention Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Security & Detention Windows are extraordinarily versatile and available in various sizes. Utilizing VISTABRIK® solid glass block with a steel frame and grid, this window requires minimal maintenance and is ideal for facilities where safety and security are critical.
Hurricane Resistant Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Hurricane-Resistant Glass Block Windows brighten any application with soft, natural light. They’re ideal for use in commercial applications where beauty, light transmission and protection against hurricane force windows and debris is critical. The window has passed the large missile impact tests recognized by the Interational Building Code, Florida and Miami-Dade County and is approved for use in coastal areas.
Block Choices are:



LightWise® Architectural Systems Hurricane-Resistant Glass Block windows features and benefits:
- Visuall stunning prefabricated panels that are easy to install
- Eliminates the need for storm shutters
- Customizable to meet project needs
- Guarateeed to meet your performance requirements
- Useful for daylighting strategies
- Protects against flying debris and hurricane force windows
- Available with a range of visibility and privacy options
- Graffiti-resistant, damage resistant, and easy to clean
- Greater security than conventional windows
Tested Passed / Code Approvals
- Meets large missile impact tests referenced in the International Building Code, in accordance with ASTM E-1886 and ASTM E-1996
- Miami / Dade County Approval (Protocols TAS 201, 202, 203)
- NOA 20-1110.06 (LWA Commercial Hurricane Window)
- NOA 20-1110.07 (4” Hollow & 3” solid small missile mortared install)
- NOA 20-1110.08 (Residential Hurricane Window)
- Texas Department of Insurance Approval
- Win62 (Residential Hurricane window)
- Win63 (4” Hollow & 3” solid small missile mortared install)
- State of Florida Approval
- FL17313_R3_II (LWA Commercial Hurricane Window)
- FL1363_R8_II (4” Hollow & 3” solid small missile mortared install)
- FL5357_R7_II (Residential Hurricane Window)
LightWise® Architectural Systems Hurricane-Resistant Glass Block window brochure here
For more information or to place an order, contact us
Tornado Resistant Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows are extraordinarily versatile and available in various sizes. Utilizing laminated VISTABRIK® solid glass block with a steel frame and grid, this window requires minimal maintenance and is idea for facilities where safety and security is critical.
LighWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows provide the needed protection from the elements while letting people see what is happening outside of the shelter, and letting daylight into a space that would otherwise rely on artificial light.
Perfect for safe rooms, schools, storm shelters, and government facilities.
Block Choices are:


Stipple Vistabrik
LightWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows Features & Benefits.
- FEMA 361 – Air Pressure and Tornado Missile Impact Test
- Two hits: , 2×4 @ 100mph
- FEMA 320 – Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room For Your Home or Small Business.
- ICC 500-2008
- ASTM E283 – Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage
- ASTM E330 – Standard Test Method for Structural Performance
- Passed air pressure tests (+309/-413 psf), which equates to a wind speed over 400mph (with a 1.5 safety factor).
In accordance with FEMA 361, LighWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Windows passed several levels of air pressure tests including 309 positive psf and 413 negative psf. The 413 psf equates to a wind speed of over 400 mph. It is significant to note that the highest recorded wind speed on earth was 253mph.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Tornado-Resistant Glass Block window brochure here
For more information or to place an order, email us.
Blast Resistant Windows
LighWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block Panels let in light while providing privacy and protection from various levels of blast. They are the perfect choice for high-risk buildings such as military facilities, airports, government offices, embassies, courthouses, correctional facilities, arenas, financial centers, offices and other high-profile public and retail spaces.
LightWise® Archtectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block Panels consist of glass block framed by a 2-piece aluminum channel frame.
Block Choices are:



LightWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block windows System Features and Certifications
- Meets GSA and UFC 04-0110-01 blast glass standards
- Offers enhanced protection to building occupants
- Provides greater security than conventional windows
- Reduces hazardous glass fragments
- No cracking or loss of glass during testing.
- General Services Administration (GSA) Level C and Level D
- Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Building Type 1 threats at 25m and 45m standoff distance and Type II threats at 10m and 25m standoff distances.
Engineering analysis supplemented with shock tube testing performed by and independent laboratory has determined that LightWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block Panels with sizes ranging from 4’x4’ to 8’x8’ perform to an ASTM “Minimal Hazard” or GSA.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Blast-Resistant Glass Block window brochure download here
For more information or to place an order, contact us.
Security & Detention Windows
LightWise® Architectural Systems Security and Detention Windows are extraordinarily versatile and available in various sizes. Utilizing VISTABRIK® solid glass block with a steel frame and grid, this window require minimal maintenance and is idea for facilities where safety and security is critical.
LightWise® Architectural Systems Security and Detention Windows increase the amount of natural daylighting that comes into a room while still providing a secure environment.
Performance Features & Benefits
- Enhanced Security
- Ballistic Resistant levels
- Varying privacy levels
- Impact Resistant
- Pick Proof
- Factory assembled for consistent Quality
High Performance Glazing:
- Will not burn
- Resists scratching and marring
- Will not discolor
- Reduces Maintenance Costs.
Block Options:


Stipple Vistabrik
LightWise® Security and Detention Windows are manufactured to meet the following standards:
- ASTM E 283 – Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage
- ASTM E 330 – Standard Test Method for Structural Performance
- ASTM E 547 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration
- ASTM A1011 – Standard Specification for Steel
- ASTM C 920 – Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants
- AN SI Z97.1 – Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings
- Safety Performance Specifications and Methods of Test
- 16 CFR Part 1201 – Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials
LightWise® Architectural Systems Security and Detention Window brochure here
For more information or to place an order, contact us.
There is no better name in Glass Block. Cincinnati Glass Block provides block, installation, & consulting/design. For contractors we offer training classes. Contact us now and see how Glass Block can improve your home or business.
Call Us Anytime: (513) 744-1946